My World and Welcome to It!

These are my thoughts and opinions about life in general. I also get daily prompts from DSP which inspire me to write. If I throw in some scrapbook pages I've done, photos I've taken, and stories about me, you will have an idea about my loony life!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Autumn Feelings

Blog Prompt: Use the autumn words given to write about.

Next to spring, autumn is my favorite season. After a long hot summer, I really enjoy the cool crispness in the air. I love the beautiful colors of the changing leaves. I am so tired of wearing my spring and summer clothes that I look forward to storing them and pulling out my autumn and winter clothes. I enjoy the smell of burning firewood from people's fireplaces. I love the cool weather because it means my hubby is not too hot to cuddle with me. He is like my own little private heater that doesn't have to be plugged in! Even though he complains that my feet are like ice cubes, he cuddles with me in the middle of the night when he notices that I am cold. Since Christmas is my favorite holiday, autumn always fills me with anticipation that Christmas is coming soon. Hiking during autumn is magical too because nature is filled with exciting changes. The forest is filled with color and it is the perfect weather to hike in because you aren't too hot or too cold. Just writing about this makes me wish I was out hiking instead of working (oops! you caught me, I'm really not working at this very moment even though I should be!).


Glynis said...

You have hit on nearly point for why autumn is my favorite season...especially cuddling! I'm always cold and hubby is always warm...once again, opposites attract!

Meg said...

I have a personal heater too!! Isn't that the best?

This is just the BEST season for hiking! No more humidity and fewer bugs and it's GORGEOUS! Hope you get out this weekend!