My World and Welcome to It!

These are my thoughts and opinions about life in general. I also get daily prompts from DSP which inspire me to write. If I throw in some scrapbook pages I've done, photos I've taken, and stories about me, you will have an idea about my loony life!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Word of the Year

I have gotten this idea from Tink who got this idea from ArtcTrish and I thought it was wonderful. I think my word for this year will be:


Main Entry: en·joy
Pronunciation: \in-ˈjȯi, en-\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English enjoien, from Anglo-French enjoir, enjoier to gladden, enjoy, from en- + joie joy
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb
: to have a good time
transitive verb
1 : to have for one's use, benefit, or lot : experience
2 : to take pleasure or satisfaction in

Now I know a lot of you already think I enjoy my life but I don't think I enjoy it fully for many reasons.

1. I tend to overcommit so that instead of enjoying an activity, I resent the time I am putting into it. I will say no and ask for a raincheck.
2. I am pretty shy about getting in front of people to talk. I will say no to the things I know will actually stress me out.
3. I sometimes feel pressured into doing things. I will say no to the things I really don't want to do.
4. I will enjoy the moment. Sometimes I worry about what other people are thinking or how I look or sound that I really don't enjoy the present moment. I will consciously make myself push out the negative thoughts.
5. Be more positive. If I am in a difficult situation, I will look for something about it that I can take pleasure or satisfaction from it.
6. I plan to exercise, meditate, and pray daily in order to get more enjoyment out of my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the word of the year you picked for youself and I hope that this new year finds you 'enjoying' life to the fullest.