Thursday’s prompt: Things that bug us. Make a list, then when the everyone else posts, cross off things that more than one person listed.
1. People who finish my sentence before I do or at the same time.
2. People who share their racist or bigot-ed ideas out in public.
3. People who make fun of and ridicule others who are different.
4. When my husband will step over the garbage bag rather than take it out to the trash can.
5. Wet towels left on the bathroom floor.
6. People who won’t leave a message on the answering machine because they don’t like answering machines.
7. People who call me after 10pm when I’m usually falling asleep because I get up at 5am every day.
8. People who burp and fart out in public and think it is funny.
9. People who use their cell phones in the library and movie theater.
10. People who tend to invade my personal space when we are standing in a line and have to touch me with their body or belongings.
Friday’s prompt: What kinds of humor do you enjoy the most? Tell us what makes you laugh!
1. Cartoons about funny things that happen in everyday life that makes it look like someone is secretly seeing my life unfold.
2. Stupid criminals and the things they do thinking they won’t get caught and then do get caught.
3. Knock Knock jokes that are really stupid but told by a child who thinks it is the funniest thing in the world and can’t stop giggling.
4. Humorous sitcoms that are about every day life like Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld.