My World and Welcome to It!

These are my thoughts and opinions about life in general. I also get daily prompts from DSP which inspire me to write. If I throw in some scrapbook pages I've done, photos I've taken, and stories about me, you will have an idea about my loony life!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Blog Prompt: What technological discoveries are bridging the gap between generations in your family? Are you teaching your parents or are your kids teaching you?

I was the first one in my family to ever own a computer. Over the years, once my sister got a computer, we've become closer than we ever have. She is ten years older than me and when I left for college, we drifted apart. Now we talk almost once a day on Instant Messenger.

My parents are another story. They have seen me work on my laptop when I visit and watched me "talk" to my sister on IM but they have never used a computer before. My dad is 87 and my step mom is 82 so if they don't want to use one, I won't pressure them to do so. I get a lot of photos from relatives and when I visit my parents, I show them these on my computer.

I first gained most of my computer knowledge years ago from a 16 year old who attended the high school where I taught. He worked on my computer and I really respected him because if he didn't know something he admitted it. Then he would find a fix for my problem and fix it. If I needed new hardware installed, he was always willing to install it for me. His parents used to kid me that he just wanted me to buy the new stuff out on the market so he could play with it! He went on to be head of computer systems for a couple of big companies. Now he is in Arizona working but we keep in touch.


Stephani said...

My grandparents are exactly the same way! My grandpa got a digital camera some time ago and couldn't figure out how to print them on the printer so this year for christmas he got a camera and a docking station that prints the photos right there. He loves it! My poor Mom cleaned off his computer while she was there. He had over 200 emails in his in box because he didn't know how to delete them! LOL!

Sorry to write a book. I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog. I appreciate it more then you know. AND HAPPY SNOW DAY!

Stephanie said...

Isn't it awesome how we can keep in touch with people we would normally end up drifting away from. I still talk with a few of my teachers from middle school and think I will for a while. And myspace helps me keep in touch with all my friends.

Anonymous said...

And does he still come back and fix your hardware problems Pat?

Unknown said...

What goes around comes around.... It is lovely to know that whay your young student did for you should be paid back by helping your sister. The student sounds like he was an amazing kid.