Blog Prompt: Everyone has at least one travel 'horror' story. Share your worst experience(s) with us.
Gee, I have so many I don't know which one to pick but this is the one that comes to mind first.
Years ago, my hubby and I drove to Orlando to go to Disney World and of course we are watching our finances closely. I'm not saying my hubby is cheap but we were being frugal. This meant that we did not stay in a 5 star hotel of course but we did get a room on the second floor. I also have to mention that my hubby does not sleep with any clothes on, which has never been a problem before. (No, you really don't know where this is going so read on...)
In the middle of the night, I wake up to hear him saying in the dark, "Call the front desk and tell them we need help!" I look towards his voice and can see in the shadows that he is pushing on the door. Of course, something outside is pushing the door back towards him. Now, the wonderful wife that I am, I immediately scrunch down in the bed and pull the covers over my head.
By now, my hubby is very angry with me and whispers again to me to get my butt up and call the front desk for help because someone is trying to break in. I turn on the light and see the whole situation. I also have to warn you that when I get nervous I start to giggle and can't help it. This only makes the naked man INSIDE my room angrier so I finally call the front desk and tell them that someone is breaking in my room.
Within minutes, we hear a commotion outside and the door stays shut. My enraged hubby turns towards me and commences to fuss at me and now I really can't stop laughing. Finally, when I stop laughing and he stops yelling, I call the front desk to find out what happens.
Apparently the hotel doesn't change the card keys and this thief knew it. He uses his key to rob people while they are asleep. Luckily my hubby had put the chain on the door and heard him. The hotel had the thief in custody and was waiting for the police to arrive. Now wherever we go (even if it is a 5 star hotel), the chair goes in front of the door!