My World and Welcome to It!

These are my thoughts and opinions about life in general. I also get daily prompts from DSP which inspire me to write. If I throw in some scrapbook pages I've done, photos I've taken, and stories about me, you will have an idea about my loony life!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

AHA moment

Blog Prompt: What has been your biggest AHA moment while blogging or journaling? What have you learned about yourself???

My biggest AHA moment is when Kim Liddiard taught me to use the control+G for grouping. I love that ability to do things. When I learned how to do that, for some stupid reason, I felt like a REAL scrapbook person. I have no rational reason for this feeling but it sure felt good. I don't use the control + G as much as I would like to because I forget about it sometimes but I like making my own alpha with it.

1 comment:

mom2triplets04 said...

okay how do you make your own alpha with Control=G? I use control G for when I do quick clicks. I also use Control E to delete the one layer and merge them together. It's a big time saver.